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mubstar ( موقع ومنتديات موب ستار للتعليم الالكتروني)(mubstar)
أحدث الصورالرئيسيةدخولالتسجيلHow to play Guitar lesson by lesson --->lesson 5 New110
تم نقل المنتدى نرجو المشاركة بالمنتى الجديد
المواضيع الأخيرة
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» اههههههههههههه
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» شارك الان في المنتدى الجديد
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» ما هي الصداقة ..!..!!!!!!
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» صحفي عراقي يضرب بوش بالحذاء
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 How to play Guitar lesson by lesson --->lesson 5

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 36
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/09/2008

How to play Guitar lesson by lesson --->lesson 5 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: How to play Guitar lesson by lesson --->lesson 5   How to play Guitar lesson by lesson --->lesson 5 Icon_minitimeالأحد سبتمبر 28, 2008 12:21 pm

Playing Chords
Important notes:the notes are Do --->C
Re --->D
Mi --->E
Fa --->F
Sol --->G
La --->A

* Now that you are familiar with how to play individual notes, you are ready to learn how to play chords. A Chord is a combination of at least two notes that are played simultaneously, creating a fuller, richer sound than can be achieved by playing each note individually. Most chords involve at least three notes played together, while some may use even more. Also, chords usually involve playing multiple strings at the same time, which is called strumming.

* The most common chords found in Western music are the "Major" chords. These are the ones that beginning guitar players usually learn first. The most common "Major" chords are:

C Major
A Major
G Major
E Major
D major

* Each of these chords is made up of a different set of notes that, when played together, create a unique sound. Most of your favorite songs can be played using a combination of three or more of these chords. We will now go over the specific notes, fingering positions and strumming patterns that are used to create each of these unique "Major" chords:

C Major
How to Play a C Chord

1. Place your ring finger on the 5th string, 3rd fret
2. Place your middle finger on the 4th string, 2nd fret
3. Place your index finger on the 2nd string, 1st fret
4. Start from the 5th string and strum each of the strings below it in quick succession. Do not play the 6th string. Playing Chords

A Major
How to Play an A Chord

1. Place your index finger on the 4th string, 2nd fret
2. Place your middle finger on the 3rd string, 2nd fret
3. Place your ring finger on the 2nd string, 2nd fret
4. Start from the 5th string and strum each of the strings below in quick succession. Do not play the 6th string.

A Major chord

* The A Major chord is a little bit more difficult than the C Major, due to the fact that all three of your fingers are scrunched together closely on the 2nd fret. Try playing this chord a few times to see how it feels and sounds. If you are still having problems, or your fingers are so big that they just don't all fit on the 2nd fret at the same time, you may want to experiment with other fingerings. One way to remove the need for the ring finger is to use your middle finger to hold down both the 3rd and 2nd strings at the same time.

G Major
How to Play a G Chord

1. Place your middle finger on the 6th string, 3rd fret
2. Place your index finger on the 5th string, 2nd fret
3. Place your ring finger on the 1st string, 3rd fret
4. Strum all of the strings in quick succession

G Major chord

* The G Major chord can be played with a few different fingerings, although the one described above is the easiest for beginning players. An alternate fingering would be to use your ring finger to play the first note, your middle finger to play the second, and your pinkie to play the final note.

E Major
How to Play an E Chord

1. Place your middle finger on the 5th string, 2nd fret
2. Place your ring finger on the 4th string, 2nd fret
3. Place your index finger on the 3rd string, 1st fret
4. Strum all of the strings in quick succession

E Major chord
* The E Major chord is one of the most recognizable of the "Major" chords, as it can be found in many of the most popular blues and rock songs. Again, don't worry if some of the notes don't ring true, or if it sounds at all muffled. With enough practice, your fingers will be able to hold down only the necessary notes on the right strings, while allowing the others to be played "Open."

D Major
How to Play a D Chord

1. Place your index finger on the 3rd string, 2nd fret
2. Place your ring finger on the 2nd string, 3rd fret
3. Place your middle finger on the 1st string, 2nd fret
4. Start from the 4th string and play each of the strings below in quick succession. Do not play either the 5th or 6th strings.

D Major chord
* Of all of the major chords, the D Major chord is often the most difficult for beginners and the toughest to make each of the notes ring true. But have no fear. As with all of the lessons you will learn on the guitar, the more you do it, the easier it becomes and the better it sounds!

* OTHER CHORDS: Although these are the most common major chords on the guitar, they are but a drop in the bucket of all the possible chords that can be made using the guitar. If you run into a chord that you don't know, use this handy playfind Guitar Chords er in order to find out the
correct fingering for the chord you want to play

Chords\Guitar\C major\D major\ E major \A major\G \major
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» How To play Guitar Lesson By Lesson----> lesson 2
» How To play Guitar Lesson By Lesson----> lesson 3
» How To play Guitar Lesson By Lesson----> lesson 4
» How to play Guitar lesson by lesson --->lesson 6

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